Happy Birthday T-Mac

Happy Birthday T-Mac
Happy Birthday T-Mac

Thursday, April 7, 2016

An Update on Tristan

What's new with Tristan?
* He counts to 30 and can identify all of the numbers.
* Favorite new cereal is the 'Stars Wars Cereal.'
* Loves to watch Wild Kratts.
* Still, favorite song is 'Amazing Grace.'
* Favorite movie is 'Robo Rex.'  Found it on Netflix.
* Tristan pours his own milk.
* He loves to go into the fridge and get whatever he wants to eat or drink.  Currently, he loves pistachios and carrots with peanut butter.
* Wears 5T or Small in boys.
* Wears size 11 shoe.  He LOVES his batman boots and wears them everywhere.
* Tristan is a night owl.  He doesn't fall asleep until about 10pm and loves to sleep in.
* Favorite candy is Nerds.
* His favorite part of cooking is 'stirring'.
* He loves all animals, reptiles and insects.  We can spend hours at the zoo with the snacks, bugs and turtles.
* He's learning to ride his bike without training wheels.
* Tristan is learning about making his bed, taking out the dishes from the dishwasher, sweeping and taking out the trash.  

He is perfect in every single way.  A blessing to be his Parents.