Happy Birthday T-Mac

Happy Birthday T-Mac
Happy Birthday T-Mac

Thursday, April 7, 2016

An Update on Tristan

What's new with Tristan?
* He counts to 30 and can identify all of the numbers.
* Favorite new cereal is the 'Stars Wars Cereal.'
* Loves to watch Wild Kratts.
* Still, favorite song is 'Amazing Grace.'
* Favorite movie is 'Robo Rex.'  Found it on Netflix.
* Tristan pours his own milk.
* He loves to go into the fridge and get whatever he wants to eat or drink.  Currently, he loves pistachios and carrots with peanut butter.
* Wears 5T or Small in boys.
* Wears size 11 shoe.  He LOVES his batman boots and wears them everywhere.
* Tristan is a night owl.  He doesn't fall asleep until about 10pm and loves to sleep in.
* Favorite candy is Nerds.
* His favorite part of cooking is 'stirring'.
* He loves all animals, reptiles and insects.  We can spend hours at the zoo with the snacks, bugs and turtles.
* He's learning to ride his bike without training wheels.
* Tristan is learning about making his bed, taking out the dishes from the dishwasher, sweeping and taking out the trash.  

He is perfect in every single way.  A blessing to be his Parents.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Catching up with Tristan

Catching up with Tristan...
1. He loves to eat waffles for breakfast.  Butter and maple syrup required.  The waffles cannot be made in the toaster or the frying pan- only microwaved, or he WILL NOT eat them.
2. His favorite person to pray for is his teacher, Ms. Monique.
3. He wears size 5-6T.
4. Tristan is learning how to write his name. He is also learning how to read books.
5. Pasta is his dinner of choice.  Pesto pasta. He also likes cheese pizza and cheeseburgers.
6. He has a favorite pair of boots that are super hard to get on but he loves them so much.
7. Tristan will start soccer in the Spring.
8. His favorite dessert is whipped cream with sprinkles on top.
9. Rejects all fruits.
10. Tristan's eyelashes and cheeks are still the same from birth.  His cheeks are the best to kiss and he still has the curliest eyelashes.

In other HUGE news...
We have decided to adopt again and hope to bring home a new baby/toddler in 2016.  The kids are pumped!