Happy Birthday T-Mac

Happy Birthday T-Mac
Happy Birthday T-Mac

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter was a fun time in the house.  We began the day with going to Church and praising Jesus.  We then headed to Easter brunch with waffles, pancakes, bacon, sausage, omelets, etc.  It was good and both kids ate A LOT!!  It was time to take naps once we got back home in order to rest up for the egg hunt.  Early in the afternoon we did a fun egg hunt with plastic eggs filled with skittles and mini dinosaurs.  Tristan loves gum so there was some gum eggs too.  We had a small gathering of family, friends and neighbors for a potluck style Easter bbq.  It was fun to watch the kids play with their friends and plus it was easy clean up because we could stay outside in the sunshine.  The kids were super tired after dinner and so we all took baths and went to bed.