Happy Birthday T-Mac

Happy Birthday T-Mac
Happy Birthday T-Mac

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Happy 2nd b-day

We want to begin by thanking Jesus for bringing us a son 2 years ago today.  Tristan was given to us from the sweet hands of our Maker 2 short years ago today.  We are so thankful to not only be parents of two beautiful blessings, but to be parents to Tristan.  His smile, laughter, songs and silliness bring joy and delight to our lives everyday.  Adoptive families are often told how blessed the child is to be living with their 'new' family for various different reasons.  But as we look at our son today, we know that it's quite the opposite. WE are blessed to be parents to Tristan and count everyday as a gift that we don't deserve.  We love you T!  Happy Birthday!