Happy Birthday T-Mac

Happy Birthday T-Mac
Happy Birthday T-Mac

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Happy 2nd b-day

We want to begin by thanking Jesus for bringing us a son 2 years ago today.  Tristan was given to us from the sweet hands of our Maker 2 short years ago today.  We are so thankful to not only be parents of two beautiful blessings, but to be parents to Tristan.  His smile, laughter, songs and silliness bring joy and delight to our lives everyday.  Adoptive families are often told how blessed the child is to be living with their 'new' family for various different reasons.  But as we look at our son today, we know that it's quite the opposite. WE are blessed to be parents to Tristan and count everyday as a gift that we don't deserve.  We love you T!  Happy Birthday!

Friday, August 9, 2013

What can Tristan say...

Tristan is very much in the 'parrot' stage of his vocabulary development.  He will repeat more everything that you ask him to or that he hears.  He can recognize and say the following words when he sees them or wants to say them:
Momma/ Mommy
WaWa (water)
Sissy (Colby)
Cho Cho
The list goes on and on....

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013

Tristan's Daily Schedule (most of the time)
7:30-8am: Wake Up.  T usually wakes up singing to himself and saying, "moon, moon."
8-9am: Breakfast and chores.  T loves smoothies, oatmeal, sweet potatoes and pears.
9am-11:30: Play time.  During this time we're usually at the park, swimming, walking, or just hanging out outside.  T loves to hear the birds, poke snails and stomp on leaves and puddles.
11:30-2:30: Bottle/snacks and nap time.
2:30-5: Lunch and more play time.  For lunch Tristan likes pastas, chicken, avocados, rice, fig bars, minestrone soup and any stew with beans in it.
5-6: Time to make dinner.  Tristan helps out when it's time to make dinner.  He plays with the pots and pans and opens EVERY cabinet and drawer in the kitchen. He likes to watch Curious George too.
6-6:30: Prayer time and family dinner.  Tristan eats the same meal that we eat and usually the same portion amount that Mom eats :).  This boy can EAT!!
7-7:30: Bath time, last bottle and bed.  Tristan gets a bath nearly every night and loves to slash in the water with Daddy.  After his bath he goes right into his pj's (he loves his dinosaur jammies), has one last bottle and then off to bed.  T sleeps about 12 hours every night and loves to give 'kisses' before crawling into his crib.